
Showing posts from April, 2023


 UNIT – I  Tree: Header nodes, Threads, Binary search trees, Searching, Insertion and deletion in aBinary search tree , AVL search trees, Insertion and deletion in AVL search tree , m-waysearch tree, Searching, Insertion and deletion in an m-way search tree , B-trees, Searching,Insertion and deletion in a B-tree, B+tree , Huffman’s algorithm , General trees.  UNIT – II  Graphs: Warshall’s algorithm for shortest path , Dijkstra algorithm for shortest path , Operations on graphs , Traversal of graph , Topological sorting .  UNIT – III  Sorting: Internal & external sorting , Radix sort , Quick sort , Heap sort , Merge sort . Searching: Liner search, binary search, merging , Comparison of various sorting and searching algorithms on the basis of their complexity .  UNIT – IV  Files: Physical storage devices and their characteristics , Attributes of a file viz fields, records,Fixed and variable length records, Primary and secondary keys , Classification of files, File operations,